Interrupted Vol 2 Page 3
“Ayden, she’s back, and you know you still love her. I don’t know why you fight it.”
“Because I have to.”
“I can’t, and that’s the end of it.” Getting up from the dining room table, I walk to the window, setting my hand on the glass. Looking outside, I hear my mother’s voice.
“Ayden?” I turn and see her placing her hand on Natalie’s shoulder with Taylor next to her. “We’re concerned about you.”
“And why is that?”
“Your sisters and I want the best for you.”
“Ayden, she needs to know the truth. You can’t keep this from her…”
“Taylor, stop,” I cut her off, walking back to the table. “The three of you have to understand where I’m coming from. When you found me, I was lost and a mess. I owe the three of you my life, and I'm thankful to be part of this family and carry the Sharp last name. But what you need to realize is that everything I've done to her is unforgiveable. I’ve done too much shit to get her back in my life. This is how it has to be.” Natalie’s eyes find mine. I shake my head telling her not to say anything.
“No,” Natalie states, getting up from her seat. “I’m gonna tell her the truth. You can't let what happened weigh you down.” Tears fall from her eyes as she runs into my arms. “I’m sorry, Ayden,” she cries in my arms. “I’m so sorry.”
“Shhh, it’s fine.”
“No, it’s not. We want you happy.”
I look at my mother and sisters and see the worry in their eyes. Sometimes we do things to protect the ones we love. I’m protecting my family and Camila. Some secrets can never be revealed, and this one secret I’m keeping to myself.
The next day in the office, during my meeting with Taylor and a potential client, we’re about to wrap things up when Camila storms in.
“Everyone out now!”
Taylor raises her brow and looks at me along with Conrad. “Now isn’t the time, Camila. Talk to Natalie—”
“No, Ayden. We need to talk now.”
“Taylor please finish up with Conrad. My apologies for my insane employee. She’s getting the help she needs, but I’m afraid she didn’t take her meds this morning.”
“No worries, Sharp. I think I’m good here. We’ll be in touch.”
Taylor leads Conrad out the door and touches Camila’s arm, giving her a look. She better keep her mouth shut.
She slams the door, walking to my desk and places her hands on the cherry wood. “You knew I needed Friday through Monday off. I have Beverly’s baby shower, and I have to prep for it. You cannot make me go to California for this meeting. Make someone else go.”
“First, this is my company and I can do what I want, so I’m not sure who the fuck you think you are storming in her and controlling things. Second, you bitched about the Apple Wine account, and now I’m giving you a chance to shine. Do you not like your position here?”
I keep my tone strong and firm, not letting her see what her being in my office is doing to me. Rising from my seat, I walk to her and stand next to her. Her scent hits my nose. Camila.
“You knew,” her voice is soft, “I don’t know why you’re doing this. Why are you hurting me?” Her words hit me. I’m protecting you.
“If you’re not happy here, you can leave. It’s that easy.”
“Whatever, Ayden. I’m done.” I take a deep breath and walk back to my desk. I tell myself I have to stay strong and let her go. There are some things she can forgive, but I know she won’t forgive me for this.
After work, I head to Beverly and Dylan’s. It’s been a while since I’ve seen my friends, and now’s a good time to see them – especially since I received a message from Beverly threatening my life if I didn’t come visit today.
I ring the doorbell and hear voices on the other side. When the door opens, a hand connects with my face.
“Hi, Bev.” I deserve that from her.
“You asshole,” she shouts, pulling me inside her home and throwing her arms around my neck. “You’re such an asshole,” she cries. “We’ve been worried about you for so long and now you’re here and you’re okay. Oh my God, Ayden, why?”
Before I say anything, Dylan walks to us and pats my shoulder. “Good to see you, man.”
“You, too.” He throws an arm around me and we man hug in the manliest way possible.
They lead me into their dining room and Beverly hands me a plate of food – chicken French with pasta and broccoli on the side. I smile; she remembered.
Before I get bombarded with the questions, I start with mine. "I need to know why she never showed up." They both look at one another and Beverly stands up, walking toward me.
"She did, Ayden. We found her on the bridge. She was passed out and nearly died from the rain. We took care of her and then she stayed in her room until we left for college. When we left for school," she stops, wiping the tears from her eyes, "it was Cam, but it wasn't. You leaving did so much to her."
"You should've seen her, man," Dylan chimes in. "She was depressed all the time and kept asking for you."
"Ayden, she hired a PI and never gave up."
"She got married, so I think that's a sign she moved on."
"What do you expect from her?" I don't say anything. "See? Ayden, you and Cam are two of the same person. The both of you need to figure this out before it tears you apart."
Not wanting to hear anything else, I tell them my side of the story, hoping it'll make them realize what I've done as well to get her back.
“Holy shit,” Dylan says, leaning against his chair. “Are you serious?” I nod. “You know she’s gonna fucking kill you right?”
“I know.”
“Ayden you have to tell her!” Beverly gets up and paces the room. “I mean, this is fucked up that you hid from her for so long, but wow, Ayden. You can’t keep this from her. You need to tell her now before I do.”
I stare at her, and she holds the connection. “I will tell her, but when the time's right. This has to be done on my own time. Now fill me in on what’s going on with the both of you,” I smile, continuing to eat and listen to their story.
TAYLOR EMAILED ME the details of today’s lunch meeting with her and Ayden. Things in the company has been going well, even if every time I see him I want to punch him in the throat and step on his balls.
I grab my purse and head down to the lobby, meeting Taylor and Ayden. I don’t acknowledge him, but I smile at Taylor. “Ready?” I ask, leading the way out the door and into the black limo waiting for us.
Taylor and I keep the conversation light, but I feel his eyes on me. Thankful that I’m wearing a tight black dress, I quietly thank my personal trainer for making me do squats and lifting. I swear I love my ass right now. Every morning I tell myself not to let Ayden get to me. I know what he’s doing, and it won’t work. The thing about Ayden is he forgets I’m the only one who knows who he is, and I don’t care how long we’ve been separated; I still know him.
When we get to the Japanese restaurant, Ayden holds the door for the both of us. His hand touches the small part of my back and my body freezes. Damn you.
“I know what you’re doing, Camila. It’s working,” he hisses quietly in my ear. His hand slowly grazes down my back and he squeezes my ass. I lean back into him, loving his hand on me. “Are you thinking about how it’ll feel with my cock in your ass? We’ve not done that yet, but I can promise you we will.”
“Ayden,” I moan.
“Do you still touch yourself when you’re alone? We haven’t fucked in a while. Shall I meet you in the bathroom in a little bit?”
Fuck. As hot as that sounds, I can’t do it. I will not let him treat me like his whores. “No,” I turn around and face him, “I’m not your whore.”
“Suit yourself,” he smirks walking over to where Taylor’s been seated. I feel my face turning red, and my body is screaming for him. Damn you, Ayden.
I take a seat next to Taylor in the booth. I take a deep breath and look down at the menu figuring out what I want for today. As soon as we order, Ayden turns to the sexy CEO and we discuss the previous quarter and plans for expansion.
“Taylor I think that in a few months I’ll need you to head to California and oversee that side.”
“Sounds good, just let me know when.”
He nods, pulling out his iPhone. As he’s typing whatever it is he’s typing, Taylor turns to me. “I have to go to the bathroom. Come with?”
“Sure,” I smile, following her lead.
“What’s going on between you and Ayden?”
I sigh, rubbing my temples with my fingers. It’s been a back and forth ride with him. Some days I wonder why I’m trying. I’m sitting here making a fool of myself and for what?
“I wish I knew.”
“I know Ayden, and he’s not the same guy knew from before. He’s changed, and I think it has a lot to do with him thinking you left him.”
“Natalie?” Taylor nods. “There’s so much more to the story, Taylor. I never left him, and he’s sitting here thinking I left him because I never showed up. It’s killing me to know that he’s here, across from me, and we’re not together. All those years we lost.” I try my hardest to keep my emotions in check. I can’t cry. I don’t need Ayden to push it in my face. I have to be stronger or else I’m going to do something that I don’t want to do.
“Give him time, okay?” Taylor gives me a small smile, and we head back to the table.
Taylor starts the meeting, and I sit next to her, listening, pretending not to care that Ayden’s staring at me. I’m not going to give him the satisfaction he’s looking for.
“Camila,” he starts to say, “I understand that you’re working on a new web layout for Reeds. I need you to explain to me how this is going to help their security.”
“I’m updating their sites and fixing the bugs.” My voice is controlled and confident. I know what I’m saying and go into further details about the outdated software and how this new update will alert the company about any hacking attempts. The companies we work for are high-profile companies worth billions. Any time there’s an update on security, I have to run the update right away. If I miss the update by minutes, Sharp Security is at risk for being held liable. The job is stressful, but programming and troubleshooting is what I’m good at.
“Good.” That’s all I get. I resist the urge to look at him. He turns his attention back to Taylor, and when the food arrives all conversation about the company stops.
Taylor’s phone rings and she immediately gets up from the table excusing herself.
Fuck my life.
“You never answered my question.”
“And what question was that?”
“Do you still touch yourself when you’re alone? Do you think of me when your fingers glide over your sweet pussy? You think of me huh?”
Her eyes widen and her lips slowly part, but she closes them and straightens her body. “I’m not having this conversation with you.”
“And why not? We agreed to this.”
“Because I’m done with the games. You either want me or you don’t.”
“I want your pussy. Isn’t that enough?” She shakes her head in response. “That should be a compliment. I usually don’t associate myself with liars.”
“So you’re saying you don’t associate with yourself since you’re a liar.” She emphasizes liar and holds her stare with mine. My eyes travel down her eyes to her lips and down her sexy neck. Damn, she’s fucking beautiful. When she’s around, I can’t fucking think. I can’t do anything. All I do is think about her and taking her back. But the trust is gone and has been gone.
“Camila,” I start to say. The words form in my head, but nothing comes out. “You should eat.”
I decide to head home after the lunch meeting. Taylor can keep everything in check. Driving down 590 and take the exit to my house. My phone beeps and an email shows. For some reason, I decide to do something for Camila, and I’m not sure why.
Sitting at home with Grayson in my arms, I walk around the house calming him down. He hasn’t napped today, and he’s cranky. It’s nearly one in the morning, and I’m exhausted.
“Shh,” I whisper, lightly rubbing his back. Nothing’s working. His wails are getting louder, and I’m about to lose my damn mind. No one is answering their phones, and I’m ready to explode. How the hell do I do this? Usually he’s never like this, and yet today, of all days when no one is around, he won’t stop crying. “Grayson, what’s wrong?” I know he won’t answer, but maybe my voice will calm him. I tell him about my day and more about Camila. It doesn’t work.
I take a seat on the couch and feel my phone vibrating. “Oh, thank God.” Grabbing my phone from my pocket I smile at the text message.
Camila: Thank you for the flowers. They’re beautiful. This is the Ayden I miss…
Me: He’s gone
Camila: Then why did ‘new Ayden’ send me these beautiful flowers?
Me: So I can suck on your pussy again and hopefully have my cock get reacquainted with your pussy
Camila: You’re a pig
Me: You love it
Grayson’s cries grow louder and soon an idea comes to mind. I pull up my Spotify and start playing anything that comes on. A country song plays, and I immediately roll my eyes about to change the station when I realize Grayson is calming down. His eyes grow wide and his cries slow. Soon, he’s closing his eyes and a sigh of relief escapes my lips. Slowly bringing him to his room, I turn on the radio in his room and find a radio station for him. I decide on WBEE, today’s country, and a smile spreads across my face thinking about her. I never understood her love for country music, but apparently it works to calm him down and get him to sleep.
Kissing his bare forehead, I walk to my bedroom and collapse on my bed. My mind goes to Camila, and I decide to call her.
“I want to reevaluate our….relationship.”
She sucks in a breath. “How so? We're friends with benefits or whatever since apparently we're teens again.”
“Is that your only complaint? You have me and no one else will."
"Go on, Ayden."
"We'll see where it goes.”
“So come over and fuck me.”
“Ugh you’re disgusting.”
“Yet, you’re on the phone with me and agreed to this relationship. Admit it, you love my fucking mouth.”
“Maybe,” she purrs. “Are you thinking about me now?”
“Always am.”
“What are you thinking about?” A soft laugh lets out, and it makes me smile.
“You and your pussy. I do have a little bit of an obsession. I need help, Camila. And you’re the only one who can help me.”
“I’m not coming over.”
“And why the fuck not? I’m hard, and my cock needs you. Think about him, and stop being selfish.” She sucks in another breath. “I know you’re horny, and you want me so come over now.”
“Take care of your raging cock, and I’ll take care of myself. You know, porn is very helpful, maybe even a cold shower.” I hear the smile in her voice, and it’s adorable. “I’ll come over on one condition.”
“Say you love me.”
I hang up the phone and handle my raging cock the old fashioned way.
AYDEN: I need my dick sucked now
Me: And I care because?
Ayden: You agreed to our new relationship.
I smile before getting up to visit Ayden. Before I can leave the office, my phone vibrates again, and I shake my head. Looking at my phone everything spins. I quickly grab the wall, dropping my phone, resting my head against the door. This isn’t happening. He’s not doing this to me.
Catching my breath and slowly bending down, I pick up my phone and reread the message.
Henry: He’s not who you think he is. Meet me in 20. I’ll explain everything.
Me: There's nothing we need to talk about.
Henry: You need to hear this. It's about Ayden and his past.
Grabbing my purse, I tell Taylor I’m not feeling well and head of the office and to my car. My phone vibrates again, but I ignore it. I need to know what Henry’s talking about and why he’s messaging with me all of a sudden. Peeling out of the garage, I head to The Distillery in Victor. Parking my car in the first spot I can find, I run inside and the hostess takes me to a booth next to the bar.
I slide across the bench and am face to face with my ex-husband.
“Cam you look good.”
I put my hand up. “Tell me what you’re talking about.”
“Why don’t we get a drink first?”
“No,” I shake my head. “Tell me now, Henry. I didn’t just leave work for your stupid game.”
Henry slides a folder in my direction, and I stare at it. I need to know what’s inside, but something is telling me to wait. I need to wait.
“Well if you’re going to look at it and not open it, I think drinks are in order.”